
Anti-Asian Racism Resources

Anti-Asian Racism Resources

'Bloodlines' is an acrylic, ink and gold leaf piece on 24”x24” wood panel by Filipino artist Chris Jordan Consul.

This hub is intended to serve as a resource guide in response to anti-Asian racism and to celebrate the contributions of the API community.

Asian Heritage Month 2021 

Asian Heritage Month Canada

Virtual Asian Heritage Month Festival 2021

Awareness & Support Resources

9 Women of Color in the Workplace Statistics you need to know

A blogpost highlighting the persistent obstacles that women of colour face in the workplace and how to rise to meet them.

Stop The Spread

A campaign to fight against racism in light of COVID-19 by the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice.

Covid Racism

A Canadian site that tracks/maps incidents of anti-Asian racism, discrimination and harassment. The site provides the opportunity for those experiencing these acts to share their stories and also provides a number of resources from other organizations to support Asian communities. 

Project 1907

An organization started by Asian women to provide space for understanding nuances of intersectional experiences, and building a collective and solidarity for those experiencing racism.


An organization formed in Canada through a coalition of Asian community groups, and individuals across Canada concerned about anti-Asian hate crimes. In multiple languages, they provide information on how to report and links to community resources. 


Provides anonymous and safe reporting for Asian-Canadians experiencing racially motivated attacks and provides public resources for those impacted by anti-Asian racism across North America. 

Cold Tea Collective

An online media platform focused on sharing stories and experiences of North American Asian millennials. Based out of Vancouver, BC, but with writers across North America. 

Asian Mental Health Collective

A North American platform focused on supporting mental health within Asian communities.

Asian-Canadian Therapist Directory

All Ages Reading List to Combat Anti-Asian Racism

Micropedia: Learn about Microaggressions on Race

CEO Act!on For Diversity & Inclusion

PwC DEI Resources

Bloodlines, (n.) : set of ancestors or lines of descent of a person.

“This piece was one of the first paintings I had done that brought me diving into my roots and wanting to bring back what colonization has hidden and turned sour. The markings are inspired by the history of tattoos in the Philippines. The centipede marking in the middle, with its many legs, is used to signify the many people that have come before me and walk with me. This piece was also inspired by Maya Angelou’s words on a song that she featured on called ‘The Dreamer’ by Common. In it she exclaims, “Dare to let your dreams reach beyond you… We are here alive today because our ancestors dared to dream”. I know I come from a product of the dreams of my ancestors and I can move forward because of what they have worked hard for and sacrificed.” - Chris Jordan Consul